Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Mass Confusion....

This is the word that most accurately describes 98% of people you will encounter while you are in the gym. This, however, is not the problem. The problem is that the majority of this 98 percentile group to which I am referring, honestly believe that they do know what they are doing. Never mind the fact that they have basically been doing the same thing for months upon months, yet they have experienced little in the form of progress. People everywhere you look are constantly following the same type of training philosophy for extended periods of time, without noticeable progress, almost as if they are waiting for their program to "kick in." It is absolute madness. If you have experienced this..., I hate to be the one to break it to you..., but whatever you are doing..., you are doing it wrong.

Have Faith My Brother....
This is the phrase that should be on the front of every muscle magazine (comic book), at the end of almost every "muscle forum," and should be the last thing you hear from Joe Blow Pro after he recites his latest training routine. Why? Because it goes hand in hand with the actions of the mass populous of infinitely bewildered "followers" who base their training and nutritional protocols on these sources. There is a very good reason why most students at the University level are prohibited from listing magazines/periodicals on the works cited page of their research papers. These "sources" are not accepted as reliable with regards to the information contained therein. Yet hundreds of thousands of gym members all over the world base all of their training and nutritional protocols on information they read in muscle magazines. Again..., it is absolute madness. They will copy down a routine straight out of one of these magazines, as if it were the Bible and it read "Thou Shalt perform 4 exercises per bodypart. Thou Shalt perform 4 sets per exercise. Thou Shalt BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH" and they will follow it for months. When confronted with a conversation about said routine, if asked to specifically explain how this routine is supposed to affect their physiology to warrant the preferred adaptive response..., they cannot answer, because they haven't the slightest clue. Blindly accepting a specific training/nutritional routine based on ones word, with no principles backed by proven scientific evidence to validate said routine, equates to following commandments based on FAITH alone. There is a word for that..., RELIGION. As a Christian, let me go on record here and state that I have no issue with the concept of religion..., the problem I have is that bodybuilding is NOT a religion. Bodybuilding is a very complex and complicated SCIENCE. It is a science which interrelates a vast collection of other sciences, which all directly relate to the sport. Anatomy, Physiology, Biology, Cellular Biology, Microbiology, Genetics, Physics, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Bio-Mechanics, Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology, and Nutritional Science. The point I wish to make here is that your brain is part of your body, and the most efficient way to achieve your "dream physique" is by starting the building process with your brain. The key word here..., is EDUCATION..., save FAITH for Jesus.

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